RAF Sector | CRPF

Welcome to Official Website of Central Reserve Police Force

Sh. Sunil Joon

Sh. Sunil Joon

IG Rapid Action Force

IG's Message

Sh. Narendra Modi

Honorable Prime Minister of India
Honorable Prime Minister of India

Sh. Amit Shah

Minister of Home Affairs of India
Minister of Home Affairs of India

Rapid Action Force

Rapid Action Force, a specialized force established in October 1992 with 10 battalions. Since January 1, 2018, an additional 5 units have been incorporated, increasing the total to 15 battalions. These units were created to address instances of civil unrest and disturbances, aiming to restore confidence among all segments of society and manage internal security responsibilities.

The Rapid Action Force operates as a swift-response unit, rapidly deploying to crisis situations, thereby promptly fostering a sense of security and assurance within the broader public.Read More

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