Other Policy | CRPF

Welcome to Official Website of Central Reserve Police Force

Other Policy

The contents of this website may not be reproduced partially or fully, without due permission from "CRPF”. All content present on this website has been indigenously developed by "CRPF IT Wing. No third-party content is uploaded on the website as all the content provided on the website has been indigenously developed. The content of this website cannot be used in any misleading or objectionable context. If referred to as a part of another publication, the source must be appropriately acknowledged.

Links to external websites/portals

At many places in this website, you shall find links to other websites/portals. These links have been placed for user’s convenience. Central Reserve Police Force, Government of India is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

Links to the Central Reserve Police Force, Government of India website by other websites /portals

Prior permission is required before hyperlinks are directed from any website/portal to this site. Permission for the same, stating the nature of the content on the pages from where the link has to be given and the exact language of the Hyperlink should be obtained by sending a request at Central Reserve Police Force, Government of India.

As a general rule, this website does not collect Personal Information about you when you visit the site. You can generally visit the site without revealing Personal Information, unless you choose to provide such information.

Site Visit Data

This website records your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes your server's address; the name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example, .gov, .com, .in, etc.); the type of browser you use; the date and time you access the site; the pages you have accessed and the documents downloaded and the previous Internet address from which you linked directly to the site.

We will not identify users or their browsing activities, except when a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider's logs.


A cookie is a piece of software code that an internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. This site does not use cookies.

Email Management

Your email address will only be recorded if you choose to send a message. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and will not be added to a mailing list. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and will not be disclosed, without your consent.

Collection of Personal Information

If you are asked for any other Personal Information you will be informed how it will be used if you choose to give it. If at any time you believe the principles referred to in this privacy statement have not been followed, or have any other comments on these principles, please notify the webmaster through the contact us page.

Note: The use of the term "Personal Information" in this privacy statement refers to any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained.

Following this policy, we provide a role-based Content Management system. This CMS helps the website team/CRPF IT Team in giving role specific access of administrator panel to different Users. The Web administrator will also be able to manage information specifically meant for internal use, which will be viewable to all members after the successful login. Admin can create the users by assigning him a particular role and Module to which functions of a particular user are limited.

These personnel’s would be appointed by the Web Administrator and would be responsible for overall quality and quantity of information on the Website. The Web Administrator will be responsible for overall supervision to ensure that authentic and updated information are available on the website.

The Central Reserve Police Force have a Content Contribution, Moderation and Approval Policy (CMAP) stating the responsibility, authorization and workflow details with regard to content publishing on the site.

The Content on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) website must always be authentic, accurate, and up-to-date. Each and every bit of content published on the website be verified and checked thoroughly to make the information authentic and accurate.

The approved content is received by the publisher through E-mail and the same is getting published by publisher through CMS. The E-Mail and history & logs in CMS are required to be maintained.

The content on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) website is done by manually process through the department. The Content creation, modification and approval are done by the CRPF departments internally, and the approved content is received by CRPF IT wing team through E-mail. The CRPF IT wing team published the content through content Management System.

Sitemap Creator Approver Publisher
About Us CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
History of CRPF CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Former DG CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Pride and Honors CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Milestones of Bravery CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Achievements CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Our Heroes CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Act and Rule CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Officers Holding Key posts CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Role of CRPF CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Special Units CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
RAF CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Mahila Battalions CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CoBRA CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
VIP Security CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Martyr's Gallery CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Operational Achievements CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Organization Structure CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Organization Chart CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Dte/Zone CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Directorate General CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CoBRA> CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Communication Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
RAF Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
VIP Security CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Central Zone CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Bihar Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Central Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
M. P. Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Chhattisgarh Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Jharkhand Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Odisha Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
West Bengal Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Uttarakhand-Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
J & K Zone CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Northern Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Rajasthan Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
North Western Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Srinagar Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
OPS Kashmir Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Jammu Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
North East Zone CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
North Eastern Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Manipur & Nagaland Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Tripura Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
OPS Jorhat Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Southern Zone CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Western Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Southern Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
KK-Sector CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
UN Mission CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Sri Lanka Mission CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Haiti Mission CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Liberia Mission CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Kosovo Mission CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Training CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Internal Security Academy CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
CRPF Academy CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Central Training College CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Recruit Training Centres CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
CIT Bangalore CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CTC (T &IT) CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
CIAT CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
IIM Pune CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
CSJWT CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
NCDE CRPF Dept CRPF Dept Subsite Admin/ CRPF-IT Wing Team
Right To Information CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
RTI Information CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
RTI Replies CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Media Centre CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Latest News CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Photo Gallery CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Video Gallery CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Press Release CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CRPF Samachar CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CRPF Policy CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
CRPF Veer Gatha CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Instruction & Order CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Deputation CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Miscellaneous Info. CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Madadgaar CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Contact Us CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Helpline Numbers CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Tender CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Draft QRs and Specs CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Meeting CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Industries Interaction CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
E-Governance Initiative CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Recruitment CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Important Notification CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Latest News CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team
Operational Achievement CRPF Dept CRPF Dept CRPF-IT Wing Team

The Website is the face of the Central Reserve Police Force, Government of India disseminating information and services. It is therefore required to keep the content on the website current and up-to-date and hence there is a need for a Content Review Policy. Since the scope of the content is huge, different Review Policies are defined for the diverse content elements.

The CRPF website contents are reviewed by the department through manually process. The approval updated contents are published by the CRPF IT wing Team. The complete website is reviewed in a period of six months however the important sections of the website are reviewed as per the matrix given below.

Sitemap Section /Officer Responsible for the Link Content (Type)
As and when required Routine Urgent
About Us CRPF Dept    
History of CRPF CRPF Dept    
Former DG CRPF Dept    
Pride and Honors CRPF Dept    
Milestones of Bravery CRPF Dept    
Achievements CRPF Dept    
Our Heroes CRPF Dept    
Act and Rule CRPF Dept    
Officers Holding Key posts CRPF Dept    
Role of CRPF CRPF Dept    
Special Units CRPF Dept    
RAF CRPF Dept    
Mahila Battalions CRPF Dept    
CoBRA CRPF Dept    
VIP Security CRPF Dept    
Martyr's Gallery CRPF Dept    
Operational Achievements CRPF Dept    
Organization Structure CRPF Dept    
Organization Chart CRPF Dept    
Dte /Zone CRPF Dept    
Directorate General CRPF Dept    
CoBRA Sector CRPF Dept    
Communication Sector CRPF Dept    
RAF Sector CRPF Dept    
VIP Security CRPF Dept    
Central Zone CRPF Dept    
Bihar Sector CRPF Dept    
Central Sector CRPF Dept    
M. P. Sector CRPF Dept    
Chhattisgarh Sector CRPF Dept    
Jharkhand Sector CRPF Dept    
Odisha Sector CRPF Dept    
West Bengal Sector CRPF Dept    
Uttarakhand-Sector CRPF Dept    
J & K Zone CRPF Dept    
Northern Sector CRPF Dept    
Rajasthan Sector CRPF Dept    
North Western Sector CRPF Dept    
Srinagar Sector CRPF Dept    
OPS Kashmir Sector CRPF Dept    
Jammu Sector CRPF Dept    
North East Zone CRPF Dept    
North Eastern Sector CRPF Dept    
Manipur & Nagaland Sector CRPF Dept    
Tripura Sector CRPF Dept    
OPS Jorhat Sector CRPF Dept    
Southern Zone CRPF Dept    
Western Sector CRPF Dept    
Southern Sector CRPF Dept    
KK-Sector CRPF Dept    
UN Mission CRPF Dept    
Sri Lanka Mission CRPF Dept    
Haiti Mission CRPF Dept    
Liberia Mission CRPF Dept    
Kosovo Mission CRPF Dept    
Training CRPF Dept    
Internal Security Academy CRPF Dept    
CRPF Academy CRPF Dept    
Central Training College CRPF Dept    
Recruit Training Centres CRPF Dept    
CIT Bangalore CRPF Dept    
CTC (T &IT) CRPF Dept    
CIAT CRPF Dept    
IIM Pune CRPF Dept    
DBTS CRPF Dept    
NCDE CRPF Dept    
Right To Information CRPF Dept    
RTI Information CRPF Dept    
RTI Replies CRPF Dept    
Media Centre CRPF Dept    
Latest News CRPF Dept    
Photo Gallery CRPF Dept    
Video Gallery CRPF Dept    
Press Release CRPF Dept    
CRPF Samachar CRPF Dept    
CRPF Policy CRPF Dept    
CRPF Veer Gatha CRPF Dept    
Instruction & Order CRPF Dept    
Deputation CRPF Dept    
Miscellaneous Info. CRPF Dept    
Contact Us CRPF Dept    
Helpline Numbers CRPF Dept    
Tender CRPF Dept    
EOI CRPF Dept    
Draft QRs and Specs CRPF Dept    
Meeting CRPF Dept    
Industries Interaction CRPF Dept    
Recruitment CRPF Dept    
Important Notification CRPF Dept    
E-Governance Initiative CRPF Dept    
Latest News CRPF Dept    
Operational Achievement CRPF Dept    

Each of the content components that is valid for a particular period of time is accompanied by a validity date. For some of the components the validity date may not be known ie, the content is stated to be perpetual. Under no circumstances, any content is to be displayed on the portal after the validity date. Central Reserve Police Force has archival policy.


Expiry date will be based on tender date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry tender it will be moved in archive section of website.


Expiry date will be based on EOI date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry EOI it will be moved in archive section of website

Draft QRs and Specs

Expiry date will be based on Draft QRs and Specs date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry Draft QRs and Specs it will be moved in archive section of website


Expiry date will be based on Meeting date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry Meeting it will be moved in archive section of website

Industries Interaction

Expiry date will be based on Industries Interaction date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry Industries Interaction it will be moved in archive section of website


Expiry date will be based on recruitment date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry recruitment it will be moved in archive section of website

Press Release

Expiry date will be based on Press Release date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry Press Release it will be moved in archive section of website

E-Governance Initiative

Expiry date will be based on E-Governance Initiative date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry E-Governance Initiative it will be moved in archive section of website


Expiry date will be based on Important Notification date insert by CRPF IT team manually in CMS functionality, on expiry Important Notification it will be moved in archive section of website

Sr. No. Name of the Link Section /Officer Responsible for the Link Entry Policy Archival /Exit Policy
  Tender CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  EOI CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Draft QRs and Specs CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Meeting CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Industries Interaction CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Recruitment CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Press Release CRPF Dept Perpetual As Per Year wise
  E-Governance Initiative CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual
  Important-Notification CRPF Dept Perpetual Perpetual

W3C links checker tools is used fortnightly to check the broken links of the website. In case any broken links is reported by the tools the same is corrected and tools are re-run to ensure there is no broken links.

The log is maintained along with the broken link the accuracy of hyperlink contents are also verified manually. If any discrepancy is observed the same is corrected and the log of the activity will also be manually entered in the broken links log file.

If there is no discrepancy found then statement that hyperlink content checked and all are ok. Then we added in the broken link log file.

Performance & Availability

Performance & Availability is checked after Quarterly basis. Reports and log file of the activity are also manually maintained in local drive /folder. Website is monitored through the links given below


The functionality of website is testing before hosting to the NIC datacenter, whenever there is a change in functionality. The Functional testing of the website is tested. And time to time some functional module is tested by CRPF department.

All modules of the website are tested for their functionality. Moreover, an interactive component of the site such as feedback form is working smoothly.

Broken Links

The website is thoroughly reviewed to rule out the presence of any broken links or errors. Broken links are maintained by Quarterly basis through 3rd party tools for report of broken link for website. Report and logs file are maintained by manually on local machine.

Traffic Analysis

The site traffic is monitored Quarterly basis to analyze the usage patterns as well as visitors’ profile and preferences. Website usage statistics and traffic is monitored on quarterly basis through GT Matrix service.


A mechanism for feedback analysis is in place to carry out the changes and enhancements as suggested by the visitors. Feedback is received on the website through the Feedback Form of CRPF website.

We have captured the details of concern person though our CMS and we have given the answer only answerable feedback. And the records for the same in maintain in our CMS and reply through E-mail.

  • The feedback received through the ‘Feedback Form’ is managed at the CMS level
  • On submission of feedback the user first gets an automated response “Thank You for your feedback we will get back to you within 30 days”
  • Spam mails are deleted
  • Auto reply facility module in CMS functionality as per every sector & zonal wise.

Action taken mail/generic reply/thank you mail etc. has been sent to the users as per the need.

Backup Policy

Frequency and type of backup are taken incremental is taken on daily basis, and the full backup is taken weekly by NIC Team at NIC Data Centre, Shastri park, New Delhi.

Content on this website is published and managed by Central Reserve Police Force. This Website has been Designed, Developed & Hosted by National Informatics Centre, Government of India.

Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the content on this site, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes. The Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances or National Informatics Centre accepts no responsibility in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the contents. Users are advised to verify/check any information with the relevant Government department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any appropriate professional advice before acting on the information provided in the website.

In no event will the Government or the department be liable for any expense, loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or damage whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of data, arising out of or in connection with the use of this website.

Any query/comments/discrepancies may be communicated to Central Reserve Police Force at the address provided in the contact us section.

Links to other websites that have been included on this website are provided for public convenience only. The department is not responsible for the contents or reliability of linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the view expressed within them. We cannot guarantee the availability of such linked pages at all times.

Material featured on this website may be reproduced free of charge after taking proper permission by sending a mail to us. However, the material has to be reproduced accurately and not to be used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Wherever the material is being published or issued to others, the source must be prominently acknowledged. However, the permission to reproduce this material shall not extend to any material which is identified as being copyright of a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the departments/copyright holders concerned. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Indian Laws. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of India.

This website does not automatically capture any specific personal information from you, (like name, phone number or e-mail address), that allows us to identify you individually. If the website requests you to provide personal information, you will be informed for the particular purposes for which the information is gathered and adequate security measures will be taken to protect your personal information. We do not sell or share any personally identifiable information volunteered on the website to any third party (public/private). Any information provided to this site will be protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We gather certain information about the User, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, domain name, browser type, operating system, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.

Linking Policy

Links to external websites/portals: You shall find links to other websites/portals. These links have been placed for your convenience. The department or NIC is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We can not guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

Links to Departments website by other websites: We do not object to linking directly to the information that is hosted on this website and no prior permission is required for the same. However, we would like to be informed by you about any links provided to this website so that you can be informed of any changes or updations therein. Also, we do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to this website must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.

  • Website has been placed in protected zones with implementation of firewalls and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and high availability solutions.
  • Website was audited for known application level vulnerabilities before the launch and all the known vulnerability was addressed.
  • All the development works are done on separate development environment are well tested on staging server before updating it on the production server.
  • The content contributed through the content management system is through authenticated way and are not published on the production server directly. Any content contributed has to go through the moderation process to the final publishing to the production server.
  • All newly released system software patches; bug fixes and upgrades shall be expediently and regularly reviewed and installed on the web server.

Contingency plan in the event of defacement / natural calamity

Defacement Protection Policy :

  • Website is audited against Security & Performance.
  • Any application level modification on the website implies re-audit.
  • All the server configuration and logs are monitored timely.
  • Only System administrators’ users are allowed to access the servers for doing administration and configuration tasks.
  • Contents are updated through a secured CMS.


As soon as the Website Information Manager gets the information regarding the defacement, he will take the following steps.
  • According to the degree of defacement, the site is stopped or continued partially
  • Log files are analyzed to troubleshoot the source of defacement and blocking of the service.
  • The Website is started from DR site in case of complete loss of data or during long downtime.
  • Log files will be given to security division for analysis.
  • Based on security recommendation, all vulnerability is fixed and the application is re-audited.

Time for Restoration after defacement:

The time taken for restoration of the website depends on the degree of defacement and services affected by the defacement.

Contingency Plan in Case of Natural Calamity:

There could be circumstances whereby due to some natural calamity (it may due to any reason that is beyond control of any person), the entire data center where the website has been hosted gets destroyed or ceases to exist. In such case first of all the In-charge of National Data Centre will declare the natural calamity and would instruct the sites of national importance to be started from the DR site, which is located at the NIC State Centre, Hyderabad.

Time for DR Restoration:

Time required for starting of Website from the remote location depends on several things. Ideally the restoration time will take 2 to 10 hours maximum.


Web Information Manager

Sh. Vijay Kumar, DIG(IT)

Central Reserve Police Force, Block No.-1, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, INDIA



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