Welcome to Official Website of Central Reserve Police Force


The aims and objects for which the Society is established are as under :

  1. to generate a sense of the accomplishment in the minds of CRPF ladies and develop managerial skill in them.
  2. to promote programmes for rehabilitation of widows, handicapped and mentally retarded children and handicapped CRPF personnel.
  3. to pursue programmes to facilitate development of academic / vocational skills, training for the serving and retired CRPF personnel and their families.
  4. to work in co-operation with other organizations and departments of various Ministries like Ministry of Human Resources Development etc. having similar objectives (being at all times financially independent of such organizations) and to obtain financial assistance through such Associations.
  5. to raise funds for various welfare schemes affecting the well being of CRPF families, widows, handicapped and mentally retarded children and disabled personnel and families of retired personnel.
  6. to organize cultural and sports activities.
  7. to invest and deal with the funds of the Association as deemed fit to meet the overall aims and objects of the Association.
  8. HIV/ AIDS Prevention Programme.
  9. Alcohol and Drug De-addiction Programme etc.

All the income, earnings, movable, immovable properties of the society be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the memorandum of Association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits, or in any manner whatsoever to the present of past Members of the Association or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of her membership.

Social Concern

CWA has undertaken various initiatives in the field of education of children, adult literacy programme, extra earning for the family through Family Welfare Centres, development in managerial skills, rehabilitation of widows/disabled, vocational training to family members of force personnel etc. besides certain socio-cultural programmes. These activities are being carried out from the Family Welfare Centres (FWCs). Each and every Group Centre is having its own Family Welfare Centre (FWC), where family members of the Force personnel are engaged in stitching of uniform items, embroidery, patch work, crochet work, knitting work etc. for which they are given suitable remuneration. Other specific welfare activities like Computer education, adult literacy, Crèche management environment conservation, lectures and seminars of Health consciousness, stress management, care of girl child etc. apart from pickle preparation, beautician course etc. are also undertaken at these Centres. These Family Welfare Centres provide a platform to the families to showcase their talent. The objective of these welfare activities is not only to supplement the income of CRPF families but also to enhance the standard of living and level of their awareness. These welfare activities are very helpful for CRPF families in making them self reliant as well as enhancing their self-confidence. It goes a long way to achieve women empowerment.

Awareness campaign against the Menace of HIV/AIDS

Central Executive Committee of CWA has collaborated with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Delhi State AIDS Control Society (DSACS), Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM), Resource Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS (RCSHA), UNAIDS and other State AIDS Control Societies. These agencies are facilitating the association by providing IEC(Information ,education and communication) material. CWA/FACC are also developing IEC material (Peer Educators Manual, Booklet on STIs, I/Card pouches and PEP charts) and providing to field formation of CRPF and as per direction of MHA ‘Peer Education Manual’ got printed and supplied to other Para Military forces.

As in present scenario, HIV/AIDS is major threat not only to the public health but also to the society. A person diagnosed as HIV positive is usually neglected by his/her colleagues/family due to lack of knowledge, which further multiplies the problems of the infected person.

Therefore, CWA has undertaken various measures for awareness & prevention of HIV/AIDS. A number of workshops, seminars and periodic lectures at various CRPF locations and regional CWA committees are organized across the country.

Awareness on Alcohol and Drug abuse

Association has organized a number of workshops, seminars and periodic lectures at various locations across the country at the Regional CWA Centres, conduct de-addiction programme for chronic alcoholic personnel in the NCR with the help of SPYM during February 2006

Adult Literacy programme and Childern's Education

The volunteers of Regional CWA Committees organized free tuition classes for the students of 10th and 12th standard. The adult literacy programmes were also organized at all CWA Regional Centres for the families of Force personnel as well as for the civilian population. Association is also imparting the basic computer training to the wards of personnel as well as their families.

Gender sensitization and Woman Rights

This is a very sensitive and burning issue. Hence, Central Executive Committee of CWA has collaborated with the leading NGOs who are working in this field. Accordingly, the association collaborated with Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative (WRI), New Delhi to aware the male and female Force personnel and CWA members on this issue.

In this process, the Association invited the team of Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative (WRI), New Delhi (NGO) for a dialogue session with the members of Central Executive Committee of CWA, Senior Officers of NCR, officers of Directorate General, lady officers and personnel from Delhi based Units with their spouses on 25th May 2006. The topic of the lecture was ‘Domestic Violence and its Legal Remedies’ with reference to the ‘Domestic Violence Act-2005’. It was observed during the session that most of the participants were quite ignorant on this issue. This workshop has upgraded the knowledge about the causes of violence, rights of victims etc. and how to avoid the situation in which violence takes place among families. From the session, it was concluded that it is essential to prevent atrocities and maltreatment towards women and defend their honour at all levels.

Health and Family

The Regional CWA Committees are always assisting the local health authorities in Polio Eradication Programme. The representatives of CWA are also encouraging the personnel and their family members for blood donation.