Superannuation Retirement | CRPF

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Superannuation Retirement

1. Superannuation Retirement

A. Pension

50% of average emoluments of last 10 months or 50% of last Basic Pay whichever is more beneficial subject to minimum pension Rs.9000/- p.m Calculation of pension is as under :-

Average emoluments of last 10 months x qualifying service in six monthly.

Example Date of retirement 31/12/2017
Qualifying service 33 Years
Average Emoluments 37,000/-
Pension 37000 X 50 Rs. 18,500/-

B Gratuity

Rate of retirement gratuity is ¼ emoluments last drawn for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 16 ½ times of the emoluments or Rs. 20 lacs whichever is less.

Calculation Of Gratuity

Last Pay drawn+ DA (on the date of retirement/death) x six monthly period ÷ 4..

Example: Last pay drawn 37000
Qualifying Service 33 Years
37000 + 1850(DA) X 66 smp
=38850 x 66 = Rs.6,41,025/-

(* DA as on date of retirement applicable)

C. Encashment Of Leave

On retirement or death or quitting from service , amount equivalent to emoluments last drawn subject to maximum 300 days.

(a) Earned leave maximum -300 days

Example: Last pay drawn + Grade Pay +

D.A on date of retirement/quitting service. X No of days of E/L subject to maximum 300 days

D. General provident fund

Calculation of GPF

Month Subscription Withdrawal/ advance Total
As on 31/03/2006 - - 38,600
04/06 Rs. 1000 - 39,600
05/06 Rs. 1000 - 40,600
06/06 Rs. 1000 - 41,600
07/06 Rs. 2000 - 43,600
08/06 Rs. 2000 - 45,600
09/06 Rs. 2000 - 47,600
10/06 Rs. 2000 - 49,600
11/06 Rs. 3000 40000 12,600
12/06 Rs. 3000 - 15,600
01/07 Rs. 3000 - 18,600
02/07 Rs. 3000 - 21,600
03/07 Rs. 3000 - 24,600
Total Rs. 26,000 40000 401200
Interest 401200 X 8 = 2675
12 X 100

( The rate of interest is for the year 2006-07 is 8 % pa and 01/04/17 to 30/06/17 @ 7.9%, w.e.f 01/07/17 to 31/12/17 @ 7.8% and 01/01/2018 to till date @ 7.6%)

Opening Balance Rs. 38,600/-
Total Credit Rs. 26,000/-
Interest Rs. 02,675/-
Total Rs. 67,275/-
Withdrawal Rs. 40,000/-
Balance on 31/03/07 Rs. 27, 275/-

E. TA On Retirement

  1. Actual cost of conveyance for self and family as per entitlement.
  2. Actual cost of transportation for personal effects including transportation of conveyance possessed by employee resting to fare by goods train.
  3. Composite Transfer Grant:Equal to one third of his Basic pay (last pay) Plus Grade pay on the date of retirement/quitting service.

F. Commutation Of Pension

Calculation of Commutation amount

Lumpsum payable = Commutation factor x 12 x 40 % of pension Or pension offered for commutation.

Pension 18500
40% of pension 7400
Age next birthday 58
Commutation factor 8.446 *

Amount of commutation Pension=7400 x 12 x 8.446

= Rs.7,50,004.80 Or Rs. 7,50,005.00

(* as per 7th CPC approved table )

G. Central Group Employees Group Insurance Scheme

The scheme, which is compulsory to all the Central Government employees.

Monthly subscription and amount of insurance cover

Group Rate of Suscription Amount of insurance covered
A Rs. 120/- Rs. 1,20,000/-
B Rs. 60/- Rs. 60,000/-
C Rs. 30/- Rs. 30,000/-
Entitlement on death Amount of insurance covered plus saving fund entitlement death.

Entitlement on retirement/

Quitting Service Amount of saving fund entitlement on the date of retirement/quitting service.

H. Medical Allowance

Rs. 1,000/- p.m. ( Pensioners who are not covered under CGHS/CPMF areas are only entitled ) Revised Orders awaited.

2. Voluntary Retirement

(After completion of 20 years qualifying service)

A. Pension

For lesser qualifying service, the amount of pension will be 50% of average emoluments of last 10 months or 50% of last basic Pay whichever is more beneficial subject to minimum pension Rs. 9000/- p.m.

B. Gratuity

One fourth of emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to maximum of 16 ½ times 'the emoluments' or Rs.10 lacs, whichever is less (Emoluments for Gratuity means last pay Band + GP + DA).

C.Commutation of Pension

Not exceeding 40 % of monthly basic pension with reference to the commutation factor based on age on next date of birth.

D. Encashment of Earned Leave

On retirement or death or quitting from service , amount equivalent to emoluments last drawn subject to maximum 300 days.

a. Earned leave maximum -300 days

Example: Last pay drawn + Grade Pay + D.A on date of retmt/quitting service. X No of days of E/L ubject to maximum 300 days


Basic Pay 37000 Last pay drawn + D.A on date of retirement/quitting service.

DA 5% 1850

EL at credit 200 days

Cash equivalent 37000+1850 X 200 259000/-

F. Encashment of HPL

(37000+1850x100) /30x2 = 64,750/-

G. Medical Allowance

Rs. 1,000/- p.m. (Pensioners who are not covered under CGHS/CPMF areas are only entitled) Revised Orders still awaited.

H. Payment CGEGIS

Amount at the credit of saving fund of CGEGIS.


The following are the rates to be paid to NOK in cases of normal death while in service or after retirement:-

Normal Rate

30% of basic pay + Grade Pay last drawn at the time of retirement or death subject to a minimum of Rs. 3500/- and maximum 30% of the highest pay Band + Grade Pay in the Government i.e. Rs. 90,000/-


Last Pay band + Grade Pay drawn + DA x six month period of qualifying service.

At present DA (on the date of retirement/Death) of basic pay is admissible as emoluments to calculate DCRG. The amount is restricted upto Rs. 10 lac. The six monthly period should not exceed 66.

Example Basic pay Rs. 6110/-
Qualifying service 28 Years.

Death Gratuity

Length of service Death gratuity payable to family
Less than one year 2 times of emoluments
One year or more but less Than 5 years. 6 times of emoluments
5 years and more but less than 20 years 12 times of emoluments
20 years and more Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service Subject to maximum of 33 times of Emoluments.

Extraordinary Family Pension (Eop) On Account Of Death Due To Accident On Duty

One consolidated extraordinary family pension (which is inclusive of elements of children's pension and children's education allowance) will be payable to the senior most beneficiary at a time on the same lines as in applicable for payment of family pension under CCS (Pension) Rule-1972 at the following scale:-

60% of basic pay subject to minimum of Rs. 18,000/- till remarriage or death. On re-marriage normal family pension will be allowed. In case of remarriage with real brother of deceased as per rule 12 (4) of CCS (EOP) Rules the widow will not be disqualified for grant of extraordinary pension.

Liberalized family pension in case of death due to violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, attack by or against extremists, enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and was like situation.

Liberalized pensionary awards in case of death/disablement as a result of attack by the extremists etc.

The family of employees who dies/become disabled, while performing their duties, as a result of attack by or during action against extremists, deco its, smugglers, anti social elements etc. are eligible for the following liberalized pensionary awards. Then liberalized pensionary awards also cover cases arising out of internal issues or war like operations of border skirmishes with any country during laying or clearance of mines. Including enemy mines sweeping operations, casualties suffered by civilian Central Government employees assisting IPKF.

These liberalized awards are restricted to cases when the disability/death is caused directly by actual operation. Administrative Ministry will decide each case on merits, when condition of actual operation is not fulfilled, the CRPF rules will continue to apply.

A. Family Pension

The widow will be entitled to family pension equal to last pay drawn by the deceased employees until her re-marriage/death. During the period children's allowance will not be admissible. In the event of re-marriage of the widow ordinary family pension under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, will be admissible to her from the date of her re-marriage and from the said date children will be following the date allowance as admissible.

If the employee is not survived by widow but is survived by child/children only. All children according to seniority of age shall be eligible for family pension at the rate of 60 % of Basic Pay drawn by the deceased employee under CCS (EOP) Rules upto the age of 25 years.

B. Dependent Pension

When an employee dies as a bachelor or as a widower without children, pension will be admissible to parents at 75 % of last pay drawn by the deceased employee for both parents and 60 % of last pay drawn for a single parent under LPA (without reference to pecuniary circumstances).


As per 6th CPC= ( in case of pensioners who retired on disability pension under the CCS (EOFP) Pension Rules-1939 for 100% disability ( where the individual is completely dependent on somebody else for a day to day functions) a constant attendant allowance of Rs. 3000/- P.M shall be allowed in addition to the disability pension)

GPF/DLI, CGEISand leave encashment as stated in family pension.

It may also be stated that a subscriber when dies after having put in 5 years service, the NOK of subscriber will also be paid deposit linked Insurance (DLI) to the maximum of Rs. 60,000/- calculated on the basis of last 36 months balance.

C. Ex-Gratia From Central Government

As per 6th CPC, the following rates be entitled w.e.f. 01/09/2008.

(a) Ex-Gratia (Central) (i) Rs. 15 lakh. Death occurring (a) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and (b) action against in action against militants, terrorists, extremists etc.
(ii) Rs. 15 lakh. Death occurring while on duty in the specified high altitude, inaccessible border posts etc on account of natural disasters extreme weather conditions etc.
(iii) Rs. 10 lakh

Death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duties.

Death occurring in the course of performance of attributable to acts of violence by terrorist, anti- social elements etc.

(b) Ex-Gratia (State) As per admissibility Details mentioned in PART-XII of this booklet.